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About Us

Embracing Faith, Inspiring Renewal - Talitha Koum: Arise and Shine

At Talitha Koum, we are more than just a global Christian clothing and apparel store. We are a beacon of hope, a testament to the transformative power of faith, and a reminder of the eternal promise of renewal. Our vision is deeply rooted in the biblical narrative of Jesus' miraculous healing of a little girl, as recounted in Mark 5:41.

Through the phrase "Talitha koum," meaning "Little girl, arise," we embody the belief that even in the darkest moments, there lies the potential for revival and growth. We believe in speaking life into every situation, infusing hope, courage, and purpose into the lives of individuals, families, and communities.

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Our Story

Our journey begins with a profound conviction that echoes the words of Jesus himself. In Mark 5:41, when faced with the apparent lifelessness of the young girl, Jesus spoke words of resurrection and transformation: "Talitha koum."

Inspired by this biblical moment, we have embraced this declaration as our guiding principle. We believe in the power of "Talitha koum" to bring about revival in every aspect of life:

  1. Business Revival: In the face of challenges and setbacks, we declare "Talitha koum!" We envision growth, innovation, and success, believing in the potential for revival in every business endeavor.

  2. Family Restoration: Conflicts and discord within families can seem insurmountable at times. Yet, we hold onto the promise of "Talitha koum," speaking love, forgiveness, and healing over family relationships, trusting in the possibility of restoration.

  3. Personal Renewal: During moments of weariness and despair, we remind ourselves of the power of "Talitha koum." We speak life into our own circumstances, believing in the potential for personal renewal and transformation.

Our vision extends beyond mere commerce; it is a mission to benefit the Kingdom of God, to spread His message of hope and renewal to all corners of the earth. Join us as we embrace the transformative power of faith and declare, "Talitha koum!"

Meet Our Founder

Troy Rashid

Where faith meets fashion in a journey of renewal and inspiration. As a passionate advocate for blending spirituality with style, I've dedicated myself to creating a platform where every garment carries a message of hope and transformation. With a background in both fashion and ministry, I've witnessed firsthand the power of clothing to uplift spirits and spark conversations. What sets Talitha Koum apart is not just our apparel, but the message woven into each thread—a reminder that even in life's darkest moments, there is always the potential for revival and growth.

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Will Be Revealed Soon........

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